
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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TABOO TUESDAY: Panic in Silicon Valley with VP of Marketing at GoodRX, Sunil Rajaraman

In 2016, Sunil Rajaraman wrote a satirical essay titled ‘This Is Your Life in Silicon Valley’ for the tech-heavy, San Francisco-based online magazine The Bold Italic. Within days the article was trending on social media with hundreds of comments and nearly a million page views. In this Taboo Tuesday, Sunil talks with Dr. Emily about the anxiety he experienced as a successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, and how he’s learned to shift his relationship to it.

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October 25, 2022
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Some Things Don't Need Silver Linings with Nira CEO, Hiten Shah

We’ve all had bad days. Bad years. Bad fights. Bad jobs. Hard losses. And in this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily isn’t going to tell you that it’s all going to be ok. Nope. Instead, she’s going to tell you to feel it. Because sometimes it’s better to let yourself feel shitty than it is to push your feelings aside and move on too quickly. Co-Founder and CEO of Nira, Hiten Shah, joins this episode to talk about how a more realistic outlook helped him deal with a particularly tough time in his own life.

July 14, 2022
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Avoiding Burnout with Founder of NessLabs, Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Raise your hand if you’re extremely burned out. Oh, everyone? Us too. Today we’ll practice Dr. Emily’s three-step push-up to prioritize rest and prevent burnout, along with NessLabs founder Anne-Laure Le Cunff, a PhD researcher investigating how different brains learn differently.

September 29, 2022
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The Importance of Everyday Grief with Global Editorial Director of IDEO, Shoshana Berger

For Dr. Emily, a difficult realization of adulthood was that every decision we make means having to grieve the loss of every decision we can no longer make as a result. In this Emotional Push-Up, Shoshana Berger, global editorial director at the design firm IDEO, joins Dr. Emily to talk about how growth and grief are intertwined and how learning to grieve is an important skill for ongoing emotional health.