
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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Ask for What You Want with Director of Relationship Science at Hinge, Logan Ury

Logan Ury, Director of Relationship Science at the dating app Hinge and bestselling author of How to Not Die Alone: The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love, joins Dr. Emily for an emotional push-up on asking directly for what you want and need.

We can’t read each other’s minds and we don’t all want the same things, so the best way to receive the attention, affection, and recognition that you want in your relationships is to speak up and let others know exactly what you need.

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November 17, 2022
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It Never Hurts to Ask with Author, Melanie Ho

Many of us have trouble asking for exactly what we want. But in today’s Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by author Melanie Ho to talk about taking the risk anyway and making the ask, because people aren’t mind readers and they can’t help you get what you want if they don’t know what that is. Tune in now for a helpful discussion on how to determine what you want and how to go about asking for it.

August 23, 2022
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TABOO TUESDAY: Going Public with Emotions & Therapy with Author, Jordan Sondler

In this Taboo Tuesday discussion, author, illustrator, and mental health advocate, Jordan Sondler, joins Dr. Emily to talk about what it was like going public about therapy and working on her mental health in her book, "Feel It Out: The Guide to Getting in Touch with Your Goals, Your Relationships, and Yourself." Sondler says that what started as an illustrated book for single people on how to survive a break-up turned into a book for every single person that covers many of life’s challenges from strengthening self-awareness to how to adopt a dog.

October 13, 2022
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The Power of Emotional Memory with Investor, Siri Srinivas

Why is it that we often forget what someone said but we don’t forget how that person made us feel? In this Emotional Push-Up, Siri Srinivas, investor at Draper Associates, joins Dr. Emily to explore how we can tap into our emotional memories and shift our moods and mindsets for the better. It’s time to flex our emotional muscles!