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So much of what we do in life is in service of avoiding discomfort. We avoid tough conversations. We avoid challenging the status quo when we know we could do better. We turn to drugs and alcohol to avoid facing other uncomfortable realities. But unfortunately the things we do to avoid discomfort often end up leading to more discomfort than the original thing we were trying to avoid in the first place. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily talks to Chris Messina, credited with creating the hashtag, about why the most effective path to emotional growth is to become more comfortable being uncomfortable.
Anxiety can be difficult to manage, but there are many ways to work through it. Award-winning chef and New York restaurant owner, Missy Robbins, joins Dr. Emily for this Emotional Push-Up to talk about how practicing gratitude can act as an antidote to anxiety. By grounding us in what is true and positive right now, gratitude can bring us back to the present moment, helping to move us away from worrying about the negative things that may or may not happen in the future. Listen now for more on how to tap into the power of gratitude!
In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by the Head of Emotional Fitness at Coa Dr. Vaneeta Sandhu, to explore the idea that our relationship with food may offer some insights into how we were loved and how we love now. Listen in to hear about how we can be more intentional about the food we eat and the ways we show and share love.
Do you have trouble accepting compliments (hint: most people do)? You might worry that you’ll come across as conceited if you do. Or maybe you’re so tough on yourself that compliments don’t resonate or feel genuine. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by Emotional Fitness Instructor at Coa, Karin Gold, and shares a step-by-step method to help us all get a little more comfortable accepting compliments.