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In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by the Head of Emotional Fitness at Coa Dr. Vaneeta Sandhu, to explore the idea that our relationship with food may offer some insights into how we were loved and how we love now. Listen in to hear about how we can be more intentional about the food we eat and the ways we show and share love.
What traits and behaviors make you feel connected to your family, friends, and loved ones? In this emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily talks about a concept she calls our Currencies of Closeness with guest Tommy Kuntze, VP of Product & Design at Rhumbix. Our Currencies of Closeness are the things we felt we had to pay to receive the love and attention and recognition we needed in our families, and we’ve all had both positive and negative versions. Tune in to explore what currencies you may still be paying and what currencies you may just want to leave behind.
In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by the Head of Emotional Fitness at Coa Dr. Vaneeta Sandhu, to explore the idea that our relationship with food may offer some insights into how we were loved and how we love now. Listen in to hear about how we can be more intentional about the food we eat and the ways we show and share love.
StudioPod co-founder Julian A. Lewis II joins Dr. Emily in this Emotional Push-Up to talk about our gut instincts. While it’s considered standard sage advice to ‘trust our gut,’ Dr. Emily says there’s more to it than that. Listen now to hear why she says we should all be a little more discerning about what our guts are telling us.