
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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Owning Our Shit with Co-Founder of Madhappy, Mason Spector

Have you ever heard the idea that the things we dislike about others are the things we dislike about ourselves? Well, Dr. Emily says that while that’s true, it’s more complicated than it sounds. In this Emotional Push-up, she is joined by Mason Spector, co-founder of the mental health clothing company Madhappy, to work through an exercise that can help us better understand what is happening when we are feeling annoyed, frustrated or judgmental with others. Tune in now to learn what the three J’s are and how you can use these tools to work through an issue.

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July 11, 2022
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Celebrating Small Wins with Hollywood Actress, Alessandra Torresani

In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily talks to longtime friend and Hollywood actress, Alessandra Torresani, about taking the time to notice, honor, and enjoy the small things that go right in life, i.e. celebrating the small wins!

July 26, 2022
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TABOO TUESDAY: The Trouble with Money with CoFounder of Morning Brew, Alex Lieberman

In October 2020, Business Insider bought a majority stake in Morning Brew—a popular business newsletter with over 2.5 million subscribers—for a reported $75 million. At the time, Morning Brew cofounder Alex Lieberman was just a few years out of college. In this Taboo Tuesday, Alex talks to Dr. Emily about his complicated relationship with money and the growing anxiety it caused him following the successful deal with Business Insider.

June 27, 2022
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The Importance of Unplugging with VP of Marketing at GoodRX, Sunil Rajaraman

Sunil Rajaraman, VP of marketing at GoodRx, joins Dr. Emily to discuss the importance of rest and why it can be difficult to unplug. Listen now as Dr. Emily and Sunil walk through how to maximize and protect our downtime without feeling guilty about it!