
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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You Have More Tools & Choices Now with PR Expert, Courtney Hamilton

Many of our fears as adults are holdovers from childhood. As a child, you likely had limited choices around what your life looked like (for example, it might not have been possible to remove yourself from an unsafe environment or to find friends who felt like a good fit). The good news is that as adults we have new tools and choices to design our life and to confront our fears.

In this Emotional Push-Up featuring PR expert Courtney Hamilton, we explore how we can put ourselves in healthier situations and face what we’re afraid of head on.

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October 4, 2022
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TABOO TUESDAY: Preparing for Death with Author and Global Editorial Director of IDEO, Shoshana Berger

Death is the most guaranteed part of life, yet it’s a topic most people avoid thinking and talking about. In this Taboo Tuesday discussion, Shoshana Berger, co-author of the book “A Beginner's Guide to the End,” joins Dr. Emily to talk about how her father’s prolonged death changed her perspective on death and dying. After seeing firsthand how difficult and overwhelming the process was, Shoshana set out to explore various aspects of end-of-life care, from navigating the healthcare system and hospice to green burials and the various and strange ways grief works. Listen now to hear why you should be thinking and talking to your own loved ones about death.

November 8, 2022
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Don't Cope the Same Way You Celebrate with GitHub Experience Designer, Alaine Newland

Anything that can be used to enhance life—think video games, food, alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.—can also be used to escape life. In today’s Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by Alaine Newland to talk about how to recognize the line between celebrating and coping and why it’s best not to conflate the two.

July 12, 2022
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TABOO TUESDAY: Bipolar Disorder in Hollywood with Alessandra Torresani

Hollywood actress and podcast host, Alessandra Torresani joins the show to talk about living with Bipolar I Disorder in Hollywood, discussing everything from being misdiagnosed and discouraged from revealing her condition publicly to finally opening up on set about her struggles and starting her own podcast.