
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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When Strengths Become Struggles with Basketball All-Star, Kevin Love

What do we do when our greatest strengths turn on us and become our greatest weaknesses? Basketball All-Star Kevin Love knows a bit about that and talks with Dr. Emily Anhalt about how to turn it around in this emotional push-up!

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June 27, 2022
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The Importance of Unplugging with VP of Marketing at GoodRX, Sunil Rajaraman

Sunil Rajaraman, VP of marketing at GoodRx, joins Dr. Emily to discuss the importance of rest and why it can be difficult to unplug. Listen now as Dr. Emily and Sunil walk through how to maximize and protect our downtime without feeling guilty about it!

October 6, 2022
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Sunk Cost Fallacy with Founder at Necessary Ventures, Neil Devani

Have you ever finished a book you didn’t like because you had already put time into it? Or stayed at a job that wasn’t right for you because it was hard to imagine starting over? In today’s Emotional Push-Up, Neil Devani, founder and managing partner of Necessary Ventures, joins Dr. Emily to talk about the decisions and situations we hold onto, even if they’re not right for us, because of the time, money, or resources we’ve invested into them. Listen in to practice approaching these situations a little differently.

June 28, 2022
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TABOO TUESDAY: Panic in Silicon Valley with VP of Marketing at GoodRX, Sunil Rajaraman

In 2016, Sunil Rajaraman wrote a satirical essay titled ‘This Is Your Life in Silicon Valley’ for the tech-heavy, San Francisco-based online magazine The Bold Italic. Within days the article was trending on social media with hundreds of comments and nearly a million page views. In this Taboo Tuesday, Sunil talks with Dr. Emily about the anxiety he experienced as a successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, and how he’s learned to shift his relationship to it.