
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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This Too Shall Pass with COO of Headspace and Co-Founder of Ginger, Karan Singh

Nothing lasts forever—the good or the bad—so learning to be present in the moment is a core skill of emotional fitness. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by Karan Singh, COO at Headspace and Co-Founder of Ginger, to highlight the importance of mindfulness to weather all that life brings our way: fully soaking in the joy while we have it and trusting that the tough moments won’t last forever.

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September 1, 2022
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Get More Comfortable Being Uncomfortable with Inventor of the Hashtag, Chris Messina

So much of what we do in life is in service of avoiding discomfort. We avoid tough conversations. We avoid challenging the status quo when we know we could do better. We turn to drugs and alcohol to avoid facing other uncomfortable realities. But unfortunately the things we do to avoid discomfort often end up leading to more discomfort than the original thing we were trying to avoid in the first place. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily talks to Chris Messina, credited with creating the hashtag, about why the most effective path to emotional growth is to become more comfortable being uncomfortable.

July 21, 2022
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Reach Out and Feel the Love with CoFounder of Morning Brew, Alex Lieberman

If we don’t love ourselves, then how is anyone else ever going to love us, right? Well, Dr. Emily says that’s bullshit. In this Emotional Push-Up, she is joined by Morning Brew cofounder Alex Lieberman to talk about this well known but questionable trope about self-love and a healthier way to approach the journey that is learning to love ourselves.

August 4, 2022
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How to Start Meditating with Lead Product Engineer at Coa, Scotty Eckenthal

Going from never meditating to becoming a “good” mediator is a bit like going from never lifting weights to becoming a bodybuilder. It takes time and consistency (and lots of reps!) to build the habit. In this Emotional Push-Up with Coa's Lead Product Engineer, Scotty Eckenthal, Dr. Emily explores the process of creating a safe and calm space within oneself through meditation. Tune in and let’s meditate together!