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For Dr. Emily, a difficult realization of adulthood was that every decision we make means having to grieve the loss of every decision we can no longer make as a result. In this Emotional Push-Up, Shoshana Berger, global editorial director at the design firm IDEO, joins Dr. Emily to talk about how growth and grief are intertwined and how learning to grieve is an important skill for ongoing emotional health.
Do you have trouble accepting compliments (hint: most people do)? You might worry that you’ll come across as conceited if you do. Or maybe you’re so tough on yourself that compliments don’t resonate or feel genuine. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by Emotional Fitness Instructor at Coa, Karin Gold, and shares a step-by-step method to help us all get a little more comfortable accepting compliments.
Dr. Emily is back solo in this Emotional Push-Up to share some of the best advice she’s ever received: in order to handle life’s uncertainties you have to trust that your future self can handle future problems. Listen now to hear just how powerful this advice can be and how you can use it to alleviate some present anxiety.
What do we do when our greatest strengths turn on us and become our greatest weaknesses? Basketball All-Star Kevin Love knows a bit about that and talks with Dr. Emily Anhalt about how to turn it around in this emotional push-up!