
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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The Importance of Everyday Grief with Global Editorial Director of IDEO, Shoshana Berger

For Dr. Emily, a difficult realization of adulthood was that every decision we make means having to grieve the loss of every decision we can no longer make as a result. In this Emotional Push-Up, Shoshana Berger, global editorial director at the design firm IDEO, joins Dr. Emily to talk about how growth and grief are intertwined and how learning to grieve is an important skill for ongoing emotional health.

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August 11, 2022
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What Is "Institutional Transference?" with Community Manager at Morning Brew, Kyle Hagge

How have you been juggling work, life, and everything in between during this 7-layer dip of insanity that the world’s been serving us for the past few years? In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by the Community Manager of Morning Brew, Kyle Hagge, to talk about institutional transference, a concept that explains how we sometimes act out feelings about one part of our life in other parts of our life. Tune in to explore where this might be happening in your life!

August 16, 2022
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Our Currencies of Closeness with VP of Product & Design at Rhumbix, Tommy Kuntze

What traits and behaviors make you feel connected to your family, friends, and loved ones? In this emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily talks about a concept she calls our Currencies of Closeness with guest Tommy Kuntze, VP of Product & Design at Rhumbix. Our Currencies of Closeness are the things we felt we had to pay to receive the love and attention and recognition we needed in our families, and we’ve all had both positive and negative versions. Tune in to explore what currencies you may still be paying and what currencies you may just want to leave behind.

July 14, 2022
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Avoiding Burnout with Founder of NessLabs, Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Raise your hand if you’re extremely burned out. Oh, everyone? Us too. Today we’ll practice Dr. Emily’s three-step push-up to prioritize rest and prevent burnout, along with NessLabs founder Anne-Laure Le Cunff, a PhD researcher investigating how different brains learn differently.