
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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TABOO TUESDAY: Psychedelic-Assisted Healing with MagicMind Founder, James Beshara

James Beshara, an angel investor and the founder of Tilt, a crowdfunding company acquired by Airbnb in 2017, used to drink seven. cups. of. coffee. a. day—a habit that landed him in the ER with a racing heartbeat of over 170 beats per minute for three weeks straight. That turning point in James’s life led him down a rabbit hole of research on coffee, caffeine and alternative ways to boost productivity and heal, a search that included plant medicine. In this Taboo Tuesday, James talks to Dr. Emily about his first experience with psychedelics, and the effect it still has on him today.

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August 2, 2022
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The Importance of Asking for Feedback with VP of Marketing at SparkToro, Amanda Natividad

Asking for feedback (both positive and constructive) is not an easy thing to do. VP of Marketing at SparkToro, Amanda Natividad, rejoins Dr. Emily on the show to discuss self-awareness, self reflection, and the scary but powerful act of asking for feedback.

June 30, 2022
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Be a "Yes, And" Person with Class Operations Lead at Coa, Kailey Thompson

When was the last time you really played? In this Emotional Push-Up with Coa Class Operations Lead, Kailey Thompson, Dr. Emily explores the benefits of play and of taking a ‘yes, and’ approach to your work and relationships. Tune in to learn how you can incorporate more play in your life, and hear Dr. Emily and Kailey play one of their very favorite games.

August 25, 2022
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How to Receive Negative Feedback with Dr. Emily Anhalt

In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is going solo and walks us through a five-step process for taking in critical feedback thoughtfully and productively.