
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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Plants and Friendship with Community Manager at Morning Brew, Kyle Hagge

Have you ever lost a houseplant because you forgot to care for it? How about a friendship? Taking care of our friendships can be a lot like taking care of our plants. Join us in this Emotional Push-Up with Kyle Hagge from Morning Brew to talk about how to maintain the friendships in our lives.

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November 10, 2022
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New Needs and Desires with Pleasure Activist, Jo Portia Mayari

Sometimes we forget to make space for new parts of ourselves to develop. And while this certainly applies to our sex lives, it’s also true for our professional lives, our friendships, our hobbies, etc. Jo Portia Mayari joins Dr. Emily in today's Emotional Push-Up to talk about how we can consider the things we’ve put on autopilot in our lives, and work to discover new needs and desires.

November 8, 2022
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Don't Cope the Same Way You Celebrate with GitHub Experience Designer, Alaine Newland

Anything that can be used to enhance life—think video games, food, alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.—can also be used to escape life. In today’s Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by Alaine Newland to talk about how to recognize the line between celebrating and coping and why it’s best not to conflate the two.

August 30, 2022
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Finding Compassion for Your Younger Self with Executive Coach & Investor, Micah Baldwin

Let’s talk self-talk for a minute. Executive coach and investor, Micah Baldwin, joins Dr. Emily in this Emotional Push-Up to discuss how to summon some self-compassion to have a conversation with our tough inner critic. Grab a pen, some paper, and a tissue - this one will be a heavy lift.