
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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The Power of Emotional Memory with Investor, Siri Srinivas

Why is it that we often forget what someone said but we don’t forget how that person made us feel? In this Emotional Push-Up, Siri Srinivas, investor at Draper Associates, joins Dr. Emily to explore how we can tap into our emotional memories and shift our moods and mindsets for the better. It’s time to flex our emotional muscles!

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June 16, 2022
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Build A Healthier Relationship with Social Media with Emmy Winner, Jesse Zook Mann

We all have complicated relationships with social media. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily talks to Emmy-Award winning TV Producer and therapist-in-training Jesse Zook Mann about his own intentional approach to social apps and the steps we can all take to bring some emotional fitness to our digital lives.

October 6, 2022
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Sunk Cost Fallacy with Founder at Necessary Ventures, Neil Devani

Have you ever finished a book you didn’t like because you had already put time into it? Or stayed at a job that wasn’t right for you because it was hard to imagine starting over? In today’s Emotional Push-Up, Neil Devani, founder and managing partner of Necessary Ventures, joins Dr. Emily to talk about the decisions and situations we hold onto, even if they’re not right for us, because of the time, money, or resources we’ve invested into them. Listen in to practice approaching these situations a little differently.

June 7, 2022
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You Have More Tools & Choices Now with PR Expert, Courtney Hamilton

In this Emotional Push-Up featuring PR expert Courtney Hamilton, we explore how we can put ourselves in healthier situations and face what we’re afraid of head on.