Intro Classes & 8-Class Series

Emotional Fitness for NYC Restaurant Workers

Join us for Emotional Fitness classes for NYC restaurant workers, sponsored by ROAR.

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Emotional Fitness Classes for NYC Restaurant Workers

FREE Intro to Emotional Fitness
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Emotional Fitness Series
Learn More & Apply

Do you work in the restaurant industry? Your mental health matters.

It’s no secret that the pandemic has been challenging for everyone — but restaurant workers have been hit especially hard for so many reasons. Eighteen months and counting into the pandemic, restaurant workers continue to have heart-wrenching conversations. The restaurant industry is designed to make people happy and well-fed, but without support, workers can burnout at an alarming rate.

We cannot wait any longer to provide the resources to keep those in the industry happy, emotionally fed, and mentally fit.

In our live classes, you'll learn:

  • How to build a foundation for mental health through the seven traits of emotional fitness
  • Concrete tools, best practices, and strategies to kickstart a healthy emotional fitness regimen
  • How to encourage emotional fitness in your relationships at work and at home
Explore the 8-Class Series

Sponsored by ROAR

ROAR is a community of hospitality leaders advocating for New York City's independent restaurant industry and creating a path to a sustainable future.

Join us for expert training on taking care of your mental health and emotional fitness.

Explore the 8-Class Series